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CarboTrack™ allows for quantitative CO2 measurement in a variety of situations where there is no endotracheal tube or tracheostomy. Benefits of the device are obvious. It is a simple tool that can solve a bunch of problems. No limitations I can think of.
Richard Dutton, MD, Chief Quality Officer for USAP and former Chief Quality Officer of the American Society of Anesthesiologist, FL

CarboTrack™ is an excellent adjunct to the armamentarium of airway devices. It gives practitioners objective proof of end tidal CO2 in an easy, reliable way. No longer do we need to continually re-tape and reach under the drapes when the head is away from us. The easy application of the CarboTrack™ has allowed me to get the best CO2 waveform in a variety of ways.
Michelle Loya, CRNA,Montgomery County, MD

An essential device for every operating room and sedation site. No more jerry-rigged capnography.
Michael Jach, MD, CardiacAnesthesiologist Bethesda, MD
CarboTrack™ works very well and truly amplifies the CO2 quantity in the capnography tracing (cf absent CarboTrack) enhancing its validity as an excellent monitor for sedation cases.
Celestine Okwuone, MD, Chief of Anesthesia, Coatesville, PA
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